Results for 'Renato Mendes Rocha'

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  1. On material and logical implication: clarifying some common little mistakes.Renato Mendes Rocha - 2013 - Intuitio 6 (2):239-252.
    The aim of this paper is to clarify the truth-functional interpretation of the logical connective of the material implication. The importance of such clarification lies in the fact that it allows avoiding the supposed paradoxes introduced by C. I. Lewis (1918). I argue that an adequate understanding of the history and purposes of logic is enough to dissolve them away. The defense is based on an exposition of propositional compositionalism. To compare, I also present Stalnaker’s (1968) alternative that seeks to (...)
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  2. Propriedades Naturais e Mundos Possíveis.Renato Mendes Rocha - 2015 - Coleção XVI Encontro ANPOF.
    O objetivo geral da pesquisa da qual esse artigo faz parte é investigar o sistema metafísico que emerge dos trabalhos de David Lewis. Esse sistema pode ser decomposto em pelo menos duas teorias. A primeira nomeada como realismo modal genuíno (RMG) e a segunda como mosaico neo-humeano. O RMG é, sem dúvida, mais popular e defende a hipótese metafísica da existência de uma pluralidade de mundos possíveis. A principal razão em favor dessa hipótese é a sua aplicabilidade na discussão de (...)
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  3. Duas teorias realistas para a interpretação da semântica dos mundos possíveis.Renato Mendes Rocha - 2010 - Inquietude 1 (1):72-79.
    O discurso a respeito dos Mundos Possíveis pode ser uma ferramenta bastante útil para a filosofia. Pode ser útil, por exemplo, para a compreensão das modalidades, da necessidade e da possibilidade. No entanto, para utilizar o discurso dos Mundos Possíveis devemos ter uma explicação satisfatória do caráter ontológico da Semântica dos Mundos Possíveis. Para isso, precisamos responder a questões do tipo: O que é um Mundo Possível? De que forma eles existem? Em quantos Mundos Possíveis podemos falar? Há diversas formas (...)
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  4. Temas em Filosofia Contemporânea.Jaimir Conte & Cezar Mortari - 2014 - Florianópolis, SC, Brasil: NEL/UFSC.
    Sumário: 1. O conceito de revolução, Amélia de Jesus Oliveira; 2. Mudanças de concepção de mundo, Artur Bezzi Günther; 3. Habilidade e causalidade: uma proposta confiabilista para casos típicos de conhecimento, Breno Ricardo Guimarães Santos; 4. El realismo interno de Putnam y sus implicaciones en la filosofía de la ciencia y para el realismo científico, Marcos Antonio da Silva; 5.O papel da observação na atividade científica segundo Peirce, Max Rogério Vicentini; 6.Fact and Value entanglement: a collapse of objective reality?, Oswaldo (...)
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  5. The Special Composition Question and Natural Fusion.Renato Rocha - 2019 - Proceedings of the 3rd Filomena Workshop.
    Philosophical problems about the part-whole relation have been discussed throughout the history of philosophy, at least since Plato and Aristotle. In contemporary philosophy, the understanding of these issues has benefited from the formal tools of Classical Extensional Mereology. This paper aims is to defend mereological restrictivism against some constraints imposed by the vagueness argument. To achieve this, the paper is divided into three parts. In the first, I introduce the special composition question (hereafter SCQ) as formulated by [Van Inwagen, 1990] (...)
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  6. Mundos possíveis, propriedades naturais e mereologia.Renato Rocha - 2017 - Dissertation, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
    I argue in this dissertation that natural properties play a central role in David Lewis' modal realism. To argue in favor of this thesis I present: a bottom-up explanation of a top-down possible world metaphysics; a new definition of natural properties and natural fusion, a new mereological operation. To achieve these aims, in the first chapter, I contextualize the discussion, in the second I resume the discussion about universals in contemporary philosophy and argue that, considering the distinct formulations of the (...)
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  7. Uma resposta ao problema do brinco das princesas.Renato Rocha - 2020 - Fundamento: Revista de Pesquisa Em Filosofia 2018 (16):1-6.
    I present in this note an alternative answer to the princesses' earring problem, found in the first chapter of Cezar Augusto Mortari's book "Introdução à Lógica”.
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  8. Nominalismo e Mundos Possíveis.Renato Rocha - 2013 - Coleção XV Encontro ANPOF.
    Essa comunicação possui dois objetivos. Em primeiro lugar, pretendo esboçar as diferentes alternativas teóricas contemporâneas que procuram responder ao conhecido “ problema dos universais”. Para isso, apresentamos os nominalismos de predicados, classes, semelhanças e a teoria de tropos. Em segundo lugar, pretendo mostrar, inspirado no trabalho de David Lewis, como o nominalismo de classes, a noção de propriedade natural e uma teoria de mundos possíveis prometem resolver o problema em questão.
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  9. Resenha de MUMFORD, Stephen. Metaphysics: a very short introduction. [REVIEW]Renato Rocha - 2015 - Princípios: Revista de Filosofia (Ufrn) 21:p. 319-326.
    Resenha de MUMFORD, Stephen. Metaphysics: a very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. Principios, v. 21, p. 319-326, 2015.
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  10. Epistemologia e Currículo: registro do II Workshop de Filosofia e Ensino da UFRGS.Gisele Dalva Secco, Ronai Pires da Rocha, Daniel Simão Nascimento, Nastassja Pugliese, Frank Thoma Sautter, Marta Vitória de Alencar & Renato Matoso Brandão - 2015 - Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil: Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.
    O livro reúne textos apresentados no II Workshop de Filosofia e Ensino, realizado na UFRGS em 2015, com a temática "Epistemologia e Currículo" -/- .
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  11. Relação e Efeitos Bioquímico-nutricionais Sobre os Cios ou Estros Silenciosos em Vacas.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - manuscript
    RELAÇÃO E EFEITOS BIOQUÍMICO-NUTRICIONAIS SOBRE OS CIOS OU ESTROS SILENCIOSOS EM VACAS E. I. C. da Silva Departamento de Agropecuária – IFPE Campus Belo Jardim Departamento de Zootecnia – UFRPE sede CIOS OU ESTROS SILENCIOSOS EM BOVINOS INTRODUÇÃO Um cio ou "estro silencioso" ocorre quando as mudanças ováricas são normais, mesmo com ovulação, mas não há comportamento estral. Isso não deve ser confundido com um estro não observado devido a falha na detecção do mesmo. A ocorrência do cio ou "estro (...)
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  12. TRANSFERÊNCIA DE EMBRIÕES EM BOVINOS: Revisão de literatura.José Pedro Ferreira Machado, Lázaro Kalliu Assis Oliveira & Wesley Paulo Alves de Lima - 2023 - Dissertation, Centro Universitário Una Jataí
    RESUMO A Transferência de Embrião (TE) em bovinos se trata de uma técnica mundialmente disseminada com objetivo de aumentar a capacidade reprodutiva da fêmea. Mantém vínculo direto com outras técnicas das biotecnologias da reprodução, como, a Ovum Pick-Up (OPU), Produção In Vitro e In Vivo de embriões (PIVE) e Transferência de Embrião em Tempo Fixo (TETF), sendo estas, técnicas que fazem parte de um processo, que vai desde a seleção de doadoras, passando pelo preparo dos embriões até sua inovulação em (...)
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  13. The Sanctification of the Everyday.Paul Mendes-Flohr - 2023 - Filozofia 78 (7):511-532.
    The article traces the evolution and crystallization of Buber’s philosophy of dialogue. It focuses on his consideration of the epistemological and ontological issues attendant to the principium individuationis, the subject of his doctoral dissertation of 1904. Culminating with the publication of Ich und Du in 1923, this process was punctuated by life experiences that led him to affirm rather than to seek to transcend the principium individuationis as the ontological ground of being manifest in the matrix of everyday life, which (...)
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  14. Complex, Dynamic and Contingent Social Processes as Patterns of Decision-Making Events – Philosophical and Mathematical Foundations.Bruno da Rocha Braga - forthcoming - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy.
    This work presents a post-positivist research framework to explain any surprising fact in the evolutionary path of a complex, dynamic and contingent social phenomenon. Primarily, it reconciles the ontological and epistemological assumptions of Critical Realism with the principles of American Pragmatism. Then, the research approach is presented: theoretical propositions about a social structure are translated into a set of grammar rules that acknowledges a pattern of sequences of events of either individual action or social interaction between actors within a real (...)
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  15. A Study of the Metatheory of Assertoric Syllogistic.Maristela Rocha - 2023 - Logica Universalis 17 (3):347-371.
    We show how a semantics based on Aristotle’s texts and ecthetic proofs can be reconstructed. All truth conditions are given by means of set inclusion. Perfect syllogisms reveal to be valid arguments that deserve a validity proof. It turns out of these proofs that transitivity of set inclusion is the necessary and sufficient condition for the validity and perfection of a syllogism. The proofs of validity for imperfect syllogisms are direct proofs without conversion in a calculus of natural deduction. Transitivity (...)
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  16. Pre-emptive Anonymous Whistleblowing.James Rocha & Edward Song - 2012 - Public Affairs Quarterly 26 (4):257-271.
    While virtually everyone recognizes the moral permissibility of whistleblowing under certain circumstances, most theorists offer relatively conservative accounts of when it is allowed, and are reluctant to offer a full recommendation of the practice as an important tool towards addressing ethical failures in the workplace. We think that accounts such as these tend to overestimate the importance of professional or personal obligations, and underestimate the moral obligation to shine light on severe professional malfeasance. Of course, a whistleblower, even an anonymous (...)
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  17. (1 other version)Teaching Firefly: Companion Material. A Class Schedule for a Course on Joss Whedon and Philosophy.James Rocha - 2018 - Journal of Science Fiction and Philosophy 1:1-10.
    Philosophers often rely on their own examples and intuitions, which can be problematic since philosophers are a small group with their own set of biases and limitations. Science fiction can assist with this problem through the provision of examples that are both designed by non-philosophers and intended to be thought-provoking and plausible. In particular, when philosophers teach, we can use science fiction for examples that raise relevant issues in interesting contexts, while also being fully fleshed out. In this paper, I (...)
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  18. Hegel on Freedom and Authority.Renato Cristi - 2005 - University of Wales Press.
    While Hegel’s political philosophy has been attacked on the left by republican democrats and on the right by feudalist reactionaries, his apologists see him as a liberal reformer, a moderate who theorized about the development of a free-market society within the bounds of a stabilizing constitutional state. This centrist view has gained ascendancy since the end of the Second World War, enshrining Hegel within the liberal tradition. In this book, Renato Cristi argues that, like the Prussian liberal reformers of (...)
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  19. As três definições de Hípias no Hípias Maior de Platão.Renato Semaniuc Valvassori - 2021 - Em Curso 8:1-9.
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    Sobre o Problema de Platão, o Movimento Retrógrado dos Planetas e os Sistemas de Mundo, Geocêntrico e Heliocêntrico.Paulo César da Rocha-Poppe, Maria Amanda Guimarães Santos, Vera Aparecida Fernandes Martin, Marildo Geraldête Pereira & Nelson Vani Leister - 2024 - Sitientibus Série Ciências Físicas 20:1-22.
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  21. Boundless Skepticism and the Five Modes.Allysson V. L. Rocha - 2019 - Logos and Episteme 10 (1):61-75.
    There is a difference between the tasks of interpreting Sextus Empiricus and contesting his arguments. Usually, one does the latter relying on some version of the former. Though this seems obvious, it is easy to make mistakes in this endeavor. From this point, I draw two basic recommendations which we should follow, lest we take Sextus to hold implausible positions regarding his Five Modes. However, these recommendations lead us to interpret Sextus’ Pyrrhonism as a limited skepticism. In the final section, (...)
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  22. Schede-Vittorio Frajese, Il processo a Galileo Galilei. Il falso e la sua prova.Renato Pettoello - 2011 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 66 (2):377.
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  23. Algumas concepções filosóficas sobre a mulher e a reapropriação capitalista do patriarcado.Gigliola Mendes - 2013 - Cadernos da SIF 2013: Volume VII: Filosofia Política E Valores.
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  24. An Algebra for Tracing Categories of Social Processes: From a Surprising Fact to Middle-Range Theory using Categorical-Generative Analysis.Bruno da Rocha Braga - manuscript
    This paper describes a method for the analysis of the evolutionary path of a complex, dynamic, and contingent social phenomenon in an empirical setting. Given empirical evidence of a surprising or anomalous fact, which contradicts the prediction of the wide-acknowledged theory, the goal is to formulate a plausible explanation based on the context of occurrence, taking a holistic and historical point of view. The procedure begins by translating theoretical propositions into grammar rules to describe patterns of either individual action or (...)
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  25. Em que espelho ficou perdida a minha face? Uma análise da condição da mulher nas "Obras do Cárcere" de Antonio Gramsci.Gigliola Mendes - 2013 - Dissertation, Ufu, Brazil
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  26. Reflection, Epistemic Value and Human Flourishing.Waldomiro Silva Filho & Felipe Rocha - 2016 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 19 (1):129-144.
    In this paper, we discuss two recurring themes in Sosa’s work, reexamined in Judgment and Agency (SOSA, 2015) from a new angle, i.e. the place and importance of reflection in the cognitive economy of the epistemic agent, and epistemic value. Regarding the latter, Sosa suggests that knowing full well, which necessarily involves reflection, has value because it contributes to human flourishing. Although Sosa’s “new virtue epistemology” appears very promising in explaining different intuitions regarding epistemology and demonstrating that it is possible (...)
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  27. Políticas linguísticas e ensino de línguas.Patrícia Graciela Rocha - 2024 - São Paulo: Pimenta Cultural,.
    A ideia da primeira parte deste e-book surgiu durante a disciplina de Tópicos Especiais em Políticas Linguísticas ministrada por mim no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos de Linguagens (PPGEL) da Faculdade de Artes Letras de Comunicação (FAALC) da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) durante o segundo semestre de 2023. A segunda parte da obra surgiu de afinidades teóricas e metodológicas entre as professoras do curso de Letras da UFMS (Campo Grande) que orientam os capítulos 7, 8 e (...)
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  28. Sobre a Disposição Afetiva em Heidegger: De Agostinho à leitura singular do pathos em Aristóteles.Fabio Guimarães Rocha - 2022 - Dissertation, Pontifícia Universidade Católica Do Rio de Janeiro
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  29. Necessidade e Teleologia na Teoria da Natureza em Empédocles e Aristóteles.Isabel Cristina Rocha Hipólito Gonçalves - 2014 - Pensando: Revista de Filosofia 5 (9):146-166.
    This paper presents a discussion about how the necessity and teleology are present in the theory of nature in Empedocles and Aristotle. For this task we go through the fragments relate to the thought of Empedocles in the Poem From Nature as a central reference to the work The presocratic philosophers of Kirk and Raven, and the work Physics I and II of Aristotle.
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  30. Disagreement and the value of reflection.Waldomiro Silva Filho & Rocha Felipe - manuscript
    The main aim of this paper is to propose that reflection is a performance that has epistemic value. This idea contains two parts: the first asserts that reflection has instrumental value. The second that reflective performance promotes an epistemic virtue that has final value. The first part is not controversial and most epistemologists would accept it. The second, however, asserts that there is a kind of epistemic good which can only be achieved through reflection. There is much controversy in this. (...)
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  31. REPRESENTAÇÃO E PRÁTICA DA CRIAÇÃO LITERÁRIA NA OBRA DE JOÃO CABRAL DE MELO NETO. ANÁLISE TEXTUAL E PROTOTEXTUAL.Francisco José Gonçalves Lima Rocha - 2011 - Dissertation, University of São Paulo, Brazil
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  32. Theoría: Um Estudo da Contemplação como o Caminho para Verdadeira Eudaimonía.Carlos Eduardo da Silva Rocha - 2014 - Dissertation, Puc-Rio, Brazil
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  33. Tra presenza e assenza. Due ipotesi per l'età postmoderna.Renato Barilli - 2020 - Bompiani.
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  34. A tortura do olhar no inferno de Sartre: a função do outro na peça Huis Clos.Flávio Rocha de Deus - 2024 - Palimpsesto 23 (45).
    Na peça Huis Clos (Entre quatro paredes), acompanhamos três personagens: Garcin, Inès e Estelle, que são trancados juntos em uma sala após suas mortes. À espera de enxofre, fogo e tortura física no além-vida, surpreendem-se ao notar que o suposto inferno é, na verdade, a simples convivência constante com o outro. Neste cenário, por meio de uma análise das características desse inferno criado por Sartre, buscamos entender questões caras para a filosofia do autor, em especial, o papel do olhar enquanto (...)
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  35. Substância Na História da Filosofia.Lia Levy, Carolina Araújo, Ethel Menezes Rocha, Markos Klemz Guerrero & Fábio Ferreira de Almeida (eds.) - 2023 - Pelotas: NEPFil online.
    A coletânea apresenta, sob a forma de artigos, problemas e soluções associados ao conceito e substância ao longo da história da filosofia. Sem pretender exaurir esse percurso, a coletânea contém 29 artigos redigidos por diversos especialistas brasileiros em Filosofia. Sua proposta é oferecer uma visão clara, acessível, precisa e atualizada desse recorte da história do conceito de filosofia, na expectativa de contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento do ensino e debate de filosofia no país. -/- The anthology presents, through a series of (...)
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  36. Ciências Naturais e Pedagogia: Esforços para uma formação epistemológica.Claudionor Renato Da Silva - 2022 - Reflexões E Inovações Nacionais No Século XXI Em Pedagogia E Educação.
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  37. Philosophus e philosophia in Pier Damiani: una nuova prospettiva per un antico problema.Renato de Filippis - 2021 - Noctua 8 (1–2):176-203.
    This article proposes an analysis of the use and value of the terms ‘philosophia’ and ‘philosophus’ in Peter Damian’s works. Despite a remarkable number of ‘negative’ occurrences, the two words are also used in a ‘positive’ sense, especially in the sermo VI, devoted to the figure of Saint Eleuchadius, a pagan philosopher who converted himself to the Christian truth and put his intellectual competencies at the service of the Church. Contradicting the standard image of Peter Damian as ‘anti-dialectician’, Eleuchadius’ case (...)
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  38. A noção de velocidade em Gilles Deleuze à luz da manipulação sonora.Henrique Rocha de Souza Lima - 2014 - Exagium 13:141-159.
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  39. Teoria da definição e princípio de causalidade na dedução do conatus.Paula Bettani Mendes de Jesus - 2019 - Dois Pontos 16 (3):1-11.
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  40. Desejo e política em Espinosa, um estudo da Ética.Paula Bettani Mendes de Jesus - 2021 - Dissertation, Universidade de Sao Paulo
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  41. The concept of aporophobia by Adela Cortina: reflections on the systemic aversion towards the poor and poverty.Flávio Rocha de Deus - 2021 - Anãnsi: Revista de Filosofia 2 (1):123-136.
    In 2017, the neologism “Aporophobia”, developed by the Spanish philosopher Adela Cortina, professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Valencia, was elected as the word of the year. Such a concept was developed by Cortina in order to highlight what she calls a systemic rejection towards poverty and people without resources. Our goal in this paper is to explain the concept of aporophobia and the argumentative premises used by the philosopher to validate it, as well as to use contemporary (...)
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  42. Nietzsche, Nêgo Bispo and contempt for the real (Body/Nature) in christian cosmology.Flávio Rocha de Deus - 2021 - Pólemos 10 (21):387-399.
    In this essay are discussed topics for formulation of a brief critique of two conceptions of Euro-Christian cosmology: the negation of the body and the transcendent deity inaccessible to pointout the relation of such points to a more central discourse of religion: the negation of this world infavor of a metaphysical reality unknown and inaccessible by the senses. Nietzsche and Antonio Bispo dos Santos (Nêgo Bispo) assist us in the reflection of such theme, the German philosopher provideshis considerations about the (...)
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  43. On History and Liberty: The ‘Revisionism’ of Bronisław Baczko.Helder Mendes Baiao - 2017 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 37:34-60.
    The ‘Warsaw School of History of Ideas’ is the name given to a ‘revisionist think tank’ which was led by the historian Bronisław Baczko from 1956 to 1968 in Communist Poland. This group reunited scholars like Leszek Kołakowski or Krzysztof Pomian around questions related to political believes, theological conceptions or utopian thought. Expelled from the University, B. Baczko left Poland and seek shelter in Geneva where he became a Professor of history of Ideas and historiography. In his new home, he (...)
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  44. Reading Balbi: theoretical notes.Antonella Puzella & Renato Proietti - 2009 - Dialogues in Philosophy, Mental and Neuro Sciences 2 (1):31-32.
    In the clear and exhaustive paper of Juan Balbi the development of the post rationalistic model of psychotherapy is well synthesized, starting from its origins in behaviour therapy and cognitivism.
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  45. Aristóteles: educação moral e a formação do caráter.Rosane Rocha Viola Siquieroli - 2019 - Primordium 3 (5).
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    A AMIZADE E A ALTER-DIRECIONALIDADE DO DESEJO EM ARISTÓTELES.Lucas Rocha Faustino - 2019 - Dissertation, Universidade Federal Do Ceará
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  47. Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments (SHAFE) Bridging Innovation to Health Promotion and Health Service Provision.Vincenzo de Luca, Hannah Marston, Leonardo Angelini, Nadia Militeva, Andrzej Klimczuk, Carlo Fabian, Patrizia Papitto, Joana Bernardo, Filipa Ventura, Rosa Silva, Erminia Attaianese, Nilufer Korkmaz, Lorenzo Mercurio, Antonio Maria Rinaldi, Maurizio Gentile, Renato Polverino, Kenneth Bone, Willeke van Staalduinen, Joao Apostolo, Carina Dantas & Maddalena Illario - 2023 - In Andrzej Klimczuk (ed.), Intergenerational Relations: Contemporary Theories, Studies, and Policies. London: IntechOpen. pp. 201–226.
    A number of experiences have demonstrated how digital solutions are effective in improving quality of life (QoL) and health outcomes for older adults. Smart Health Age-Friendly Environments (SHAFE) is a new concept introduced in Europe since 2017 that combines the concept of Age-Friendly Environments with Information Technologies, supported by health and community care to improve the health and disease management of older adults and during the life-course. This chapter aims to provide an initial overview of the experiences available not only (...)
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    Gymnastēs. Pugilato tra metodologia e filosofia.Renato De Donato - 2023 - Milano: Milano University Press.
    Quest’opera esplora in modo approfondito il mondo del pugilato in una prospettiva interdisciplinare. A partire dal testo del "gymnasticus", scritto dal retore Lucio Flavio Filostrato, l'autore sviluppa un'ipotesi metodologica innovativa, coinvolgendo le discipline della filosofia, della storia e delle scienze cognitive e motorie. Attraverso un'analisi filosofica di autori contemporanei come Hadot, Foucault e Deleuze, l'autore ne riprende le considerazioni, applicandole al contesto attuale delle scienze motorie. L'obiettivo principale è superare il dualismo corpo-mente, riconoscendo appieno gli aspetti emotivi e desiderativi nella (...)
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  49. A NIILIDADE E O ANONIMATO DE DEUS: O APOFATISMO DO MÍSTICO PSEUDO-DIONÍSIO, O AREOPAGITA.Lindomar Rocha Mota & Webert Cirilo Gonçalves - 2014 - Interações 9 (16):431-452.
    This article presented the apophatism of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, a mystical knowledge as refusing determine God as an objective concept and requires the abandonment of formulations that dare quit the Divine Mystery into categories. Therefore, it was necessary to discuss the principle, the difference between the apophaticism own ousia of Scholastic concludes that by reason of the impossibility of knowledge of the “substance” of the Absolute and the persona of the Areopagite concluded that, from personal a relationship and / existential (...)
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  50. Para uma Leitura Operatória da Lógica de Hegel - Experimentos Iniciais.Antônio Carlos da Rocha Costa (ed.) - 2019 - Porto Alegre, Brazil: Editora Fi.
    Esta coletânea reúne, organizados na forma de capítulos, sete artigos que exploraram uma ideia central: a de que, subjacente à Lógica de Hegel, há uma mathesis, isto é, uma estruturação matemática que organiza as ideias dessa Lógica, mathesis de que Hegel faz uso, de modo implícito, ao longo do texto da "Ciência da Lógica".
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